Firstly, and most importantly everyone in the team is safe, well and we continue to support each other with the now universally accepted communication of video conferencing!
We also wanted to share an update on how the Gusto team have adapted to the challenging climate we are all facing, focusing on:
- How we put our business continuity procedures into place swiftly
- The positive fieldwork performance seen with our partners
- Letting you know about some new insight we’re sharing regarding vulnerable customers
Business Continuity in Action
Like most businesses, we had hoped to never have to fully test our Business Continuity procedures, but we’re pleased to report that we were all fully operational and working remotely virtually overnight.
Investment in new IT systems has meant we are all securely accessing information with all the same efficiencies and controls as the office.
As you’d expect, we’ve switched all qualitative research to online and telephone. You may know us for the tried and tested face to face research methods but we have plenty of tools and options available to make sure projects are delivered despite the disruption to daily life.
Whilst it clearly isn’t ‘business as usual’ for anyone, we are certainly continuing to provide the same level of service in this unusual time and starting to see more activity from clients emerging.
Positive Fieldwork Performance
We are in regular dialogue with our trusted fieldwork partners and they are all consistently reporting that online fieldwork and qualitative recruitment performance remain strong; in fact participation levels have increased.
Crucially, the profile of the participants has not been impacted.
What’s Coming?
We recently shared our Driving FinTech Adoption piece and have received some great feedback from clients.
Given the increasing focus on the most vulnerable in our society, we have recently conducted some self-funded qualitative insight into transient vulnerability. We have a number of sessions already set up to run through these key learnings and we will be sharing more widely on our website in coming weeks.
Please do get in touch if you would like to discuss anything in this email, potential new projects or hear about any of our self-funded pieces. Stay safe and we look forward to working with you.
Ian and the Team at Gusto
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